Looking for a FUN & Meaningful learning experience for your Child yet don’t know where to go?
What We Offer
All of these programs include self-development, health, social engagement, civic awareness, physical fitness and cultural/social diversity and career interest/ preparation.
This six week intensive child-centered program provides dynamic exchanges with college student facilitators through an experiential learning environment. Students from grades 5 to 9 read a new book each week (which they take home ), create speeches, illustrations, dramatizations, learn Spanish, participate in STEM and social impact issues, debate and go on field trips. MORED.R.E.A.M.
The D.R.E.A.M. (Dynamic, Responsible, Educated, Achieving Males) program is a group mentoring program for middle school male students.
Females Inspired, Responsible and Educated (F.I.R.E.) is a female middle school group mentoring program designed for the social emotional development of our young women.
Our mentoring program is an effective tool to address the Emotional Quotient (EQ) of a child: enhancing their self-esteem, confidence, communication, academic performance and conflict resolution skills.
10 Month Series
This series of presentations is offered to CATALYST high school mentees only. Professionals from the community provide interactive presentations, demonstrations and activities on civic responsibility, debt, college prep, law, banking/ finance, employment applications, housing, car purchasing, contracts and social media.
Five, 3-hour Sessions These seminars are provided by the Founder and CEO to the public. They focus on self-development, motivation, effective decision making and achieving the dream. For adults ages 16 and up.
This group formed by our founder and CEO in 2016 meets every 2nd Saturday of the month to organize, collaborate and address common issues like transportation, funding, facilities, visibility, and inter-connectivity/collaboration (i.e. police, juvenile justice, homeless/hunger initiatives, the schools, anti sex trafficking, juvenile justice.) There is an open Facebook Page by the same name that you may join.
MOREWe can help you navigate the world of mentoring both Virtually and On-site.
Our Signature Mentoring Programs can be adapted to Virtual and Outdoor Learning. We can close the gap while providing top level services to you and your child or partner with you at your school/facility.

Are You A Parent?
We understand the challenges children face today, especially in underserved communities. Our programs are designed to provide support and mentoring to this very group although every community can benefit.
Are You A Mentor?
Open doors of possibilities to a child, give them hope for a better future. You meet with your mentee once a week for 30-60 minutes during the school year. It is fun and rewarding. You will never regret it!
Are You an Institution Looking for Services?
Partner with us and bring our signature mentoring programs to your facility. We have a proven track record that delivers results.
Make a difference in someone’s Life.
It’s Tax Deductible!
Your donation helps to pay for books, supplies, meals, trip transportation and a host of other things that keep our programs going. Kindly help us help the children by donating all that you can, or have your organization donate to our efforts. The results of what we do is invaluable.

Mentors Wanted
There are thousands of children that need our help and with your help, we can reach them.

If you, or someone you know, is age 18 and older and interested in serving our community by mentoring a youth, click to get started.
Give of your time and self. Help a child be the best version of themselves.
“It is easier to build a strong child than repair a broken man.”
-Frederick Douglass GET STARTED NOW
CATALYST is now in 35 of the 72 schools in our county and serves grades 3-12.
books distributed
mentoring HOURS
Contact us
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