Open doors of possibilities to a child and give them hope for a better future.
Your gifts, both large and small, will help us to achieve our mission of helping others. Please consider making a donation no matter the size.
Be a Mentor
We know that poverty is a major contributing factor to poor housing, health, education, nutrition, crime, violence, mental disease, gangs, and the list goes on. Many children have overcome the effects of poverty and succeeded because of an adult who cared enough to make a difference in their lives i.e., a teacher, police officer, a foster parent, grandmother, or a program volunteer. This is a mentor, simply a caring adult in a child’s life who builds a relationship with them which keeps the child focused, allowing them to avoid crime, drug use, teen pregnancy, and gang activity. It also increases the rate of graduation and college attendance.
We are a large and growing team that works in collaboration with Volusia County Schools. You meet with your mentee once a week for 30-60 minutes during the school year. It is fun and rewarding. You will never regret it!
Apply to become a mentor using the application below. Completing the application is the first step to being a CATALYST Global Youth Initiative, Inc. mentor.